Javi Virk | What Is Bitcoin And How To Learn About It?
Javi Virk Javi Virk - Bitcoin is a decentralized digital currency which is owned by none. Government has no control over it. It uses peer to peer networking and cryptographic proofs to operate the system. Javi Virk - The system is controlled and made fraud free by recording transactions in block chain, a public history record, once they are validated with a proof of work system. The network began operating in 2009 and is a concept involving virtual currency which has no link to government regulated currency. The Bitcoin system has few advantages like: • It is less expensive to operate and use this virtual money. • It can be instantaneously transferred throughout the world and there will be no transaction fees. Moreover, you can use it and transfer it anonymously as well. • Like other currencies, the quantity of this virtual money is fixed and no one has the right to create new Bitcoins. However, people can mine Bitcoins but there is a limit to it and mining Bitcoins is not ...